Friday, December 10, 2010

You haven’t touched the surface of what God has in store for you. You may have walked in a measure of that blessing, but there's more to come. God has opportunities in your future that are going to amaze you!

Even as the devastation of the caterpillar gives birth to the butterfly – so to, our highest hopes are sometimes shattered to prepare us for better things

Merry Christmas from Anabelle : )

"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:29-31
T.D. Jakes Ministries/The Potter's House

Don’t be surprised when you face adversity in the birthing of your dream, for adversity acts as the contractions that push your dreams into reality. I want you to know that God is an awesome God. If you’re not where you want to be, don’t get discouraged. I urge you to stay focused on your dreams and let God lead you to your purpose so that you can walk into your destiny!

Physical activity is so important for good health.

Hello...Let me encourage you to find an activity that you enjoy.  Exercise is so important for our health.  I am happy to say I've been doing water aerobics about 2-3 times a week, for about a month now.  I can really tell the difference.  I am starting to tone up.  It's so exciting when you start to see results for your efforts.  The great thing about water aerobics is that you don't sweat.  You don't even really feel like you are working out, it is so much fun. 

Find a picture that represents one of your physical fitness goals.

How to do it

Learning the rumba? Walking 30 minutes each day for a week? Hiking up your city's tallest mountain or hill? Whatever your physical fitness goal is for the next two to four weeks, find a photo that represents achieving that goal. It doesn't have to be a photo of you. It could be of a dancer, a walking path, or the panoramic view from a mountain's peak. Put the picture where you'll see it regularly like on your refrigerator or in your wallet.

Why it matters

Sports psychologists have known for decades that "seeing" yourself succeeding at a goal is important to actually succeeding. The picture provides a way for you to "see" the results of achieving a sought-after physical fitness goal and should motivate you to pursue it.

Fun Fact

Your heart pumps 36,000 gallons of blood per day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We need to allow ourselves to be still before our Creator and simply lean on Him. We need to find ways to revive our soul in order to maintain what matters most to us; our relationship with Him and our identity as His child.

God's life for you isn't ordinary. It's filled with His best - hope, purpose, blessings and peace in the middle of any storm.

Faith CAN move mountains, but DO NOT be surprised if God hands you a shovel.

Sometimes we have to go through, instead of over. At least HE gave as the shovel. Which is the WORD !!

If there’s a storm going on around you, don’t let one start on the inside of you.Love Joyce Meyers

The Respect Dare

Need to forgive your husband? Need to forgive yourself? We get a fresh slate each day. SO, if your God can forgive, we dare you to declare each day a "Do-Over" and freely GIVE and RECEIVE forgiveness. His mercies are new every morning! Double dog dare you to communicate about it!

Always be open to the mysterious ways of God! If you rigidly believe that a specific situation MUST BE a certain way or it’s “NOT GOD’S WILL”, you might be stopping your destiny dead in its tracks. Examine any areas you may have been unwilling to submit to God’s sovereignty, and ask Him if He has a different plan. A fresh,new mindset may be the very thing needed to move your destiny forward in an unprecedented way!

There’s nothing you can’t be, do or have, if the Lord has put that desire in your heart. Stop limiting Him by thinking “that’s impossible!” – nothing is impossible for God! If you can dream it, you can do it, if you can see it, you can have it . . . God can make a way where there seems to be NO WAY, if you’ll just trust Him and proceed from this day forward to follow His leadings concerning your desire!

The Respect Dare

Most men are wired to achieve - Dare you today to show appreciation for your hub's efforts at work or a recent achievement, OR, if you don't see your husband achieving, dare you to ask God if you've done anything that either 1) keeps him from sharing his accomplishments with you, or 2) has diminished his motivation...who besides me (Nina) has had experience squelching her man? Join me in overcoming!
In His Eyes

.by Joel Osteen Ministries on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 8:37am.TODAY’S SCRIPTURE

“As parents feel for their children, God feels for those who fear Him. He knows us inside and out...” (Psalm 103:13–14, The Message)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

I always find it interesting to see how a parent views their new baby. It doesn’t matter what that baby looks like; it doesn’t matter if their head is still coned, if their nose is still squashed, if they cry or makes a mess, that baby is the apple of its parent’s eyes. They see that child as the most beautiful, perfect creation. They are just as proud and excited as they can be.

Parents see their own children differently than other people do. As believers in Jesus, it’s the same way with our Heavenly Father.
What can you commit to doing next week that will boost the amount of physical activity you get?

Whether it's morning yoga, taking the stairs, finding a new walking path, or trying a class at your local gym, share one activity you can - and plan to do - next week.


My motto for 2010 was to have "devine health" in every area of my life.  Spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  And to encourage other women to do the same.  I know I have improved in many areas.  I feel good about that.  I hope I have encouraged someone else to do the same.
Spiritually...I am in a much better place.  I have learned to Trust the Lord more than I did the previous year.  I've placed my fears and insecurities in his hands.  Emotionally....I have placed my pain in His hands, and (almost) mastered giving him those negative voices that still pop up in my head from time to time.  Physically....I have laid some bad habits down, started water aerobics, cut way back on binge eating.  I feel alot better about myself.  I've lost some weight, and toned up....and I feel better!
All in all, 2010 was a year of great growth for me.  I hope it was for you also.  : )