Friday's challenge: Eat a red fruit or vegetable.
.by MeYou Health on Friday, August 13, 2010 at 6:28am.When you see red today, think "go," not "stop" by putting a red vegetable or fruit on your menu. Pick from red peppers, beets, radishes, red cabbage, strawberries, cherries or watermelon. Add cranberries to salad, tote grape tomatoes as a snack, or choose a more exotic alternative, such as a pomegranate or blood orange. Not that adventurous? Red apples are great choices, too.
Why it Matters: Red produce is packed with health-promoting antioxidants and beneficial nutrients such as lycopene, shown to have anticancer effects, and resveratrol, which helps the heart. Tomato products are high in lycopene while red grapes score for resveratrol. Mix up your red choices every day to get a variety of good-for-you rewards
Fun Fact: Red peppers aren't vegetables. Botanically-speaking, they're fruit—just like tomatoes—because they contain seeds.
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