Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hannah's Example

“As our brave Hannah entered her hardest hour--the hour appointed for her to leave her long-awaited and much-prayed-for son at the house of the Lord to be raised by another--we see that her focus was not on herself, not on her problems, and not on her sacrifice, but instead on her great God.” -Elizabeth George

Mom can't be there for every moment of a child's life. Like Hannah, the time will come when she must let go...

It happens when her son is five and he enters the kindergarten door for the first time.

It happens when her son is eight and she drops him off for football practice and doesn't stay to watch.

It happens when her daughter is twelve and she drops her off at a birthday party.

It happens when her daughter is sixteen and drives away with a brand new driver's license.

It happens when her son is eighteen and she drops him off at a dorm.

It happens in moments big and small. Moms must turn around and walk away. And like Hannah, we must trust God. But what exactly do we expect from God by trusting in Him? That He will never allow our children to get hurt? Always keep them safe? I don't think that's what Hannah expected as she dropped off young Samuel with the priest Eli. Her trust in God wasn't conditional. She knew that whatever God allowed to happen in Samuel's life (be it good or bad) was part of His sovereign plan.

We do all we can to prepare our children for what they will see, experience, and learn when they are away from momma's care. But ultimately, we trust God. Not for our children's safety, but for their sanctification.

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