Friday, August 6, 2010

Focus on the Lord

I began this amazing journey with the Lord thirty years ago.  It hasn't always been easy.  In fact, at times, it's been very difficult.  There have been times I didn't think I could make it.  Those are the times he carried me.
He promised He would never leave me, or forsake me.  And He hasn't.  My all time favorite scripture is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart don't lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.  There have been many times in my life where that was all I could do.  If I didn't meditate and trust in that scripture, I would have "lost it!"  That's called walking by Faith.  Without faith it's imposible to please God.  It is like being blind folded and trusting someone to take you by the hand and lead you through dangerous territory.  It can be very scary at times.  Especially when you hear loud noises crashing all around you.  When we go through difficult times we must put our trust in the Lord.  The Lord is asking us to put all of our trust in Him.  Like when he told Peter to get out of the boat.  Peter was fine as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus.  But when he took his eyes off the Lord, he began to sink.  That is what happens to us.  When the storms of life are raging, as long as we keep our eyes on the One who calms the sea, we will be able to rise above our problems.  But like Peter, if we take our eyes off of Him, we begin to sink.  Don't focus on your problems.  Keep your eyes on the Lord.

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