Saturday, October 30, 2010

The zinc found in pumpkin seeds (as well as in oysters and baked beans) can enhance immunity

Sleep, Exercise Can Prevent the Common Cold

by Bob Curley on October 25, 2010

Getting more sleep and exercise provides natural protection against seasonal colds, reported Oct. 22.

People who get less than seven hours of sleep nightly are three times more likely to carch a cold, researchers say; sleep regulates release of the immunity-boosting hormone cortisol. Regular moderate exercise also boost the immune system, but prolonged, high-intensity workouts could make you more prone to illness, experts say.

Another simple way to stimulate your immune system is to alternate hot and cold streams of water in the shower. A hot shower also can clear your nasal passages of cold germs; another way to wash out bacteria, viruses and irritants is by rinsing your nasal passages with a neti pot or irrigator.

The mineral zinc has been shown to enhance immunity, and foods like oysters, baked beans, and pumpkin seeds can give you the zinc you need in your daily diet. Vitamin D, which regulates the immune system, improves calcium absorption and cuts inflammation, can be found in multivitamins or supplements as well as milk, fatty fish, and sunlight.

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